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"The circles of women around us weave invisible nets of love that carry us when we’re weak, and sing with us when we're strong."

Gatherings & Explorations


Come join me for potent small-group gatherings of women, where we experience deep-dive explorations into desires, concepts, goals, aspirations & challenges ~ all from a somatic perspective. Through facilitation, movement, sound and group process, these journeys open us to transform and embody changes within ourselves, and also that which we are wishing to shift in the collective.

Process Workshops

In a process workshop, we create a safe group container with the intention to explore and shift our early imprinting, and to open to a fuller expression of authenticity and well-being. Often much of what blocks us in moving forward comes from a very early place. The body has the capacity to remember, even when cognitive memory does not. Through individual facilitated sessions within the group, each participant receives a turn to bring awareness to patterns (imprints) that are held in the body, acknowledge and bring acceptance to their impact, and to find a new felt sense that can be anchored into the body, and into life, moving forward. Intentionally kept to a small group of maximum 4 participants and guided by clear, empathetic, interactive principles, we collectively support each other throughout. This helps create a sense of trust, intimacy and belonging. Being in a residential space further enhances this process. 

"My expectations of this residential workshop were beyond met! I greatly appreciated the circle, the principles and the welcoming space with everything one could possibly need already anticipated. Deirdre supported the group in an authentic and beautiful way. She invites an atmosphere of community, love and acceptance into the circle, that facilitates the building of connection between the participants."


~ Tracy Barkman, Nelson BC


Group offerings are currently on pause.
Stay tuned for new offerings that
will be coming into form.​

To stay current with upcoming offerings, please sign up for my seasonal newsletter.

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~ alchemy inside out ~
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© Copyright Deirdre Collier ~ 2024 
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